How to Make Your Bed in 5 Simple Steps

Charles Wamatu
2 min readFeb 17, 2021



How to Make Your Bed

Some people loathe the idea of making their bed each morning while others don’t do it right. Below we explore how to properly make your bed in 5 simple steps.

1. Remove everything from your bed

Make sure your bed is stripped off all the beddings, except the mattress. Prop the bed sheets, pillows and duvet on a chair in your bedroom or the dressing table.

2. Fit in your bed sheets

Start by tucking in your fitted sheet, making sure the pockets are properly hooked on the four corners of your mattress. Smoothen out the fitted sheet with your hands.

3. Lay out your top sheet

Make sure that the finished/partnered side of your top sheet is facing down. Adopt the hospital corners methods to evenly stuff your top sheep under the mattress. This ensures the sheet remains tight and neat beneath the mattress. Lay out the top sheet evenly to avoid

4. Add a blanket or duvet

Simply throw the duvet or blanket to overlay the top sheet. Ensure it is evenly spread out on either side. Smoothen any wrinkles with your bare hands.

5. Put pillows

Put your pillows in the pillowcases. Ensure to fluff them by squeezing and pulling them apart severally until they have a fuller look. Place the fluffed pillows upright on your bed.

Making your bed need not be a tedious task. Follow the above 5 steps to quickly make your bed and go on to enjoy a productive and organized day ahead!

